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The seminar with the participation of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was held in MART on November 9, 2018


The seminar "The Concept of Regulatory Impact Assessment and Competition Impact Assessment" was held in MART on November 9, 2018, during which key approaches to the regulatory impact assessment in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts were discussed.

Olga Shcherbina, the Head of the IFC in Belarus, Dmitry Pyatachenko, the Coordinator of IFC project on improving the business climate in the Republic of Belarus and Eugene Osmochescu, the Senior Specialist of IFC in the development of the private sector took part in the organization and holding of the seminar.

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The relevance of the seminar is due to the adoption of a new version of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On normative legal acts", the provisions of which provide for the mandatory the regulatory impact assessment of the draft regulatory legal act on the conditions of entrepreneurial activity. Such an assessment will improve the quality of the normative legal acts being developed and adopted, including in terms of balancing the interests of the private sector, society and the state.

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