Cooperation with the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
Vladimir Koltovich, the Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus, and Yuriy Terentyev, the Chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, signed the Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Cooperation between the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Investments of the Republic of Belarus (dated February 18, 1997) in Minsk on December 20, 2017.
This document provides for the development and strengthening of cooperation between the agencies in the following areas:
1) improvement of the policy in the field of economic competition protection and development;
2) implementation of practical measures for antimonopoly regulation and the development of a competitive environment;
3) exchange of experience in consideration of law violations in the field of economic competition protection and development;
4) exchange of experience in the development and application of regulatory legal acts in the field of economic competition protection and development;
5) exchange of experience in the field of competition advocacy;
6) improvement of law enforcement practice in the sphere of economic competition protection and development (prevention, restriction and suppression of monopolistic activities and anti-competitive practices);
7) exchange of international cooperation practices in the sphere of economic competition protection and development;
8) provision of assistance including by providing information at the request of one of the agencies as part of execution by another agency of the tasks and functions assigned to it.